A website copy with HTTrack


The Engine Room January 2003

project name: theengineroom
Web(URL) address: www.the-engineroom.com
amount of time: 2 hours (56k modem)
in the scan rules, add:
-www.the-engineroom.com/html/recommend*.* (to avoid 154 identical files -the stock-)
+www.virtual-showroom.co.uk/scripts/stockList/stockList.asp?refnum=8295&laf=showroomlnks&start=1 (for the first page of the updated stock - for the next page, visit the site and add the link)


Flash, menus

Other examples with similar difficulties: Cedarpoint | Gulliver's Theme Park


  1. When you click on the image displayed by the file engineroom.swf, no page is loaded while the html link on the home page loads the file html/main.html.
    Open the file with a hex editor.
    Look for html. You will find:
    hexadecimal dump
    The call is absolute as the folder html must be in the root folder of a disk.
    In order to make it relative, replace the slash in the address by a space (or rewrite the link with a 0 after the extension - as we have 3 unused characters: a / and two 0 -, we can also link to another page).
    Then we will have:
    hexadecimal dump
    and the link will be active. We can do the same with the other occurrences.

  2. The pull down menus do not work offline.
    For this site, it is not very important as the buttons Vehicles for Sale and Scooters & Motorcycles allow us to load all the pages stock????.html.
    We have a few solutions:
    1. We can leave the capture untouched. This is the best one.
    2. We can delete the two forms with a tool such as Arachnophilia.
      To do it,
      - find a form in one of the html/stock????.html:
      it starts with
      <td align=right>
      <form method=post>
      <select name=selected_man onChange="this.form.submit()">
      <option value="">Choose another...</option>
      and finishes with
      - copy the form for vehicles in the clipboard, paste it in the text to search and replace by a space (or "nothing"...) in all the html files of the local site.
      - do the same with the form for scooters.

      The menus do not appear anymore.

    3. To have working menus, we must modify the code:

      1. we have to add a javascript function in all the pages html/stock????.html.
        To do it,
        - open all the files with one of the menus with Arachnophilia.
        - before the tag </head> add the following function:
        <script type="text/javascript">
        function goToPage(page) {parent.location=page;}
      2. then we must find the filename corresponding to each option value in the files displaying the list of vehicles for sale (/html/stock8bfc.html and /html/stock4c59.html).
        Here is the beginning of the table:
        <td align=right width=35%>
        <a href=stockded5.html><img src=images/bullett.gif border=0></a></td>
        <td align=left width=65%> <a href=stockded5.html>Alfa Romeo</a></td>
        <td align=right width=35%>
        <a href=stocke186.html><img src=images/bullett.gif border=0></a></td>
        <td align=left width=65%> <a href=stocke186.html>Alvis</a></td>
        thus stockded5.html for Alfa Romeo
        and stocke186.html for Alvis.

      3. we must modify the form for cars and replace the original by the modification in all the site.
        In the menu, we will replace
        <option value="1">Alfa Romeo</option>
        <option value="82">Alvis</option>
        <option value="stockded5.html">Alfa Romeo</option>
        <option value="stocke186.html">Alvis</option>
        then we will replace onChange="this.form.submit()"
        by onChange="goToPage(this.options[selectedIndex].value);"
        Then we must look for the original menu and copy it in the clipboard and paste it in the text to search for.
        After that we must copy the modified form for cars in the clipboard, paste it in the text to replace with and replace in all the html files of the local site.

      4. we must modify a form for scooters and replace the original by the modification in all the site.
        Here we will do the same as above for the scooters.

        It is quite long but the menus are working.
        In this case we have been lucky as we had the list of corresponding names. When it is not the case, it is too difficult. There is a tool to simplify the job or to allow the reading of all the captured pages without the menus, it is a utility as dirhtml which creates a html file listing all the files according to different parameters.

Now, you can browse the mirror offline.

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With javascript