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A website copy with HTTrack


Travel West August 2002

project name: travelwest
Web(URL) address:
amount of time: 4 hours (56k modem)



Other example with similar difficulties: Areaparks


In the end of the capture, find with inforapid search and replace for example, all the files with the string http:// and replace it with #.

When browsing online, you cannot load missing pages or look at ads.


Find with inforapid search and replace, for example, all the files with this string: '<ifr'+'ame src="http:// and replace src="http:// with src="#.
Do the same with this string '<S'+'CRIPT src=".

When browsing the website offline, no external page is called and no sponsor image displayed, but you don't have to click 4 or 5 times when changing a page.

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