Vulnerabilities interesting robots since 2023

Below, you will find the list of pages requested in the different directories of this site by some robots (zombies or botnets) in order to execute a script or to replace some parts of the site by a remote page or image.

This page lists the requests since 2023.

Today: 2 visits / 90 pages requested.

Last insertion (automatic update): 2024-04-22 13:13:59

Last visit of a zombie: 2024-04-24 16:01:57

The structure of a zombie request usually looks like: of the site or name of a page known to have security issues?variable(s)=URL of the script to execute

The page requested is indexed as using variables and the zombie looks for known CMS vulnerabilities, at the root or folders, with all sorts of User Agents.

In the URL, http://, https:// and ftp:// are followed by the address of the script (mainly php or perl) to run, the iframe or the image to display.
The script address should not appear. Hexadecimals in the URL have been converted when possible, multiple slashes have been removed, existing subdirectories too.

This page is automatically updated, any displayed URL is the one of a malicious script.

Pages requested

Variables sent to these pages

Last insertion (automatic update): 2024-04-22 13:13:59

Last visit of a zombie: 2024-04-24 16:01:57

With javascript